How to download multiple Google Drive photos from URLs?

I was sent about 500 Google Drive picture files and need a way to download them. The URLs send me to the Google Drive for each individual picture. Is there a way to download them without having to go to each page and hitting download manually? I have tried to convert the links to the following: , but can't seem to get a Download manager to download it [GetRight].

asked Feb 17, 2014 at 13:36 467 2 2 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges

So the photos are in fact on someones Google Drive account? And they want to share these files with you? Again, it's the same idea. What do you mean by [GetRight] ? Can you explain that part about converting links? I don't get that. What do you mean by that? Your file ID would normally sit after the &id= . Obviously you have removed it here for privacy. But are you saying you can't paste that URL in your browser and hit Enter to display it? Are you getting a 404 status error or something of that nature? You have to explain better what you're trying to do and how you're trying to do it.

Commented Feb 18, 2014 at 0:01

4 Answers 4

You can change a Google Drive image link to a download link by swapping for (just use a replace all tool, I'm fond of TextMechanic's simple, free, online Find and Replace but Notepad find and replace will do the trick).

I'm a user of Google Drive and as you say it's just a matter of getting the download link. An example on my drive is 

for the share link, or 

for the edit link. The download link is 

So it's simply a matter of find and replace on or

and finding and replacing /edit or /edit?usp=sharing with (nothing i.e. deleting them)

Once you've done that you can download a list of files in a number of ways, but if you want to stay in the browser I've written a Chrome extension called TabSave to do just that - there's an option to use a manual list for downloading (it also allows downloading files in every tab of a window).

You can just paste in from your list of edited URLs and they'll download. Very lightweight and you don't need to worry about dodgy installation of these one-hit wonder freeware programs. All the code is open source on GitHub (link in the webstore description).

131 10 10 bronze badges answered May 26, 2014 at 16:23 Louis Maddox Louis Maddox 706 1 1 gold badge 7 7 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges

I changed this to this… and use the Tabsave tool and I get download failed and 404 Error in browser view. What did I do wrong?

– user385764 Commented Nov 1, 2014 at 6:48‌​aFdDYW9xT3dneW8w/edit?usp=drive_web gives me "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.". If navigating to the URL doesn't work then a browser extension won't do any better. You didn't delete the final /edit either: should be‌​aFdDYW9xT3dneW8w

Commented Nov 3, 2014 at 1:41

Method 1

You can try a program called URL Image Downloader. It's a free software hosted on Source Forge. Here is a short description.

You can download the images from a URL list. You only need a file with URL list, and destination folder

It is a console application, developed with .NET technology.

I have not tried this out myself, so I can't guarantee it will work. But I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. It seems like a very useful and simple to use tool.


The way it works is you create a plain text file containing the URLs for the photos you want to download, each URL on a new line. Something like this. 

This is the hardest part, as you will have to do this work manually. You would then save this to C:\Users\You\Desktop\Your_text_document.txt for example. Once you have this file you would then use the tool to have it look for these file URLs online and grab them.

You can see in the example above from the screenshot how to type in your command. I recommend you to first prepare a folder ( /dest ) where you would want the downloaded files to be stored.

Method 2

The second, and probably the easiest way to do this is to contact the person that sent you those photos. Ask them to move these photos into a new album, share it, and then have them send you the URL for the album.